OH Yeonjin intervenes into and designs relationships between the parameters constituting imagery, variates them, and creates a new illusion. She has held solo exhibitions : Tweed (2022, ThisWeekendRoom), The Tide of Memory (2021, SongEun Artspace), The Very Eye of Night (2020, SongEun Artcube), and Lace (2019, Alltimespace). OH has participated in various group exhibitions including The Printed World (2022, SeMA Buk-Seoul Museum of Art), Patch (2022, ONE AND J. Gallery), Doosan Art Lab (2021, Doosan Gallery), and Live Forever (2019, Hite Collection).
Pastry #1~15, chromogenic print, 354 x 1150 cm, 2022
Net Floating, chromogenic print, 120 x 155 cm, 2022