Formidable Air

Sen Chung fabricates a unique world based on the immanence of painting. He explores the sublime and the beauty through the attitude of contemplation, investigating the intersection of the ephemeral and the immortal, and the balance of space and time discovered in the process of material transmuting into imagery. The exhibition delves into a facet of the world he aspires to reach, spanning from around 2010 to the present, as he confronts the canvas as a painter. It is a world constructed upon the frame, possessing an indescribable depth yet occupying the minimal space given to the painter, traversing the space between layers of selectively chosen colors, and extending through short and long strokes crossing the canvas, oscillating between figuration and abstraction. In other words, Sen Chung’s works are a world thoroughly achieved beyond the conditions of painting, independent from the external, constantly anticipating renewal as a horizon of infinite contemplation.


Participating artists : Sen Chung
Curated by KIM Sung woo
Text by KIM Sung woo
Design by YO Daham
Installation technician : Mujindongsa
Photo by CJY ART STUDIO (CHO Junyong)