MOON Isaac

Moon Isaac experiments the plasticity of materials, and explores the possibilities from the act of reduction and addition in the context of sculpture. His works are normally based on the gesture of ‘modeling’. The objects by modeling are fluid. In his sculptures, materials themselves serve as the source of multilayered concepts depending on the situation, and sometimes extending into space and image.

He has had solo exhibitions including 《Rock&Roll》 (2022, MUSEUM HEAD, Seoul), 《Beam Me Up!》 (2021, Kumho Museum of Art, Seoul), 《CLONE TECHNIQUE : SEEKING ELIXIR》 (2019, Factory 2, Seoul) and so on. Also he has participated in numerous remarkable group exhibitions such as 《Sculptural Impulse》 (2022, Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul), 《Prime Monument》 (2021, N/A, Seoul), 《Take me Home》 (2019, Platform L Contemporary Art Center, Seoul), 《Polygon Flash OBT》 (2018, INSA Art Space, Seoul), and etc.

<Rock & Roll> 전시 전경, 뮤지엄 헤드 (권혁규 기획), 2022
<열개-인왕#4>, 조형토, 흙(인왕산), 도판, 1260도 소성, 98x45x44cm, 2022
<무제>, 텃밭과 산의 흙으로 소성한 세라믹, 에폭시 퍼티, 안료, 110 x 60 x 60cm, 2021
© 김경태
<디딤돌>, 수집한 돌, 스티로폼, 겔코트, 조형토, 유약, 가변크기, 2022
<A의 쇼는 계속되어야 한다-그 문 이후>, 혼합매체, 350 x 245 x 120cm, 2022
© 김진솔, 서울시립 북서울미술관 제공
<달빛 곡예단-앞으로 한 번, 좌로 두번, 시계 방향으로, 좌로 한번>, 에폭시 퍼티, 에폭시, FRP, 탈크, 안료, 스티로폼, 가변크기, 2021
© 이의록